The Fontainebleau Veterinary Clinic welcomes dogs and cats.
Small and big dogs do not have the same health problems and certain breeds are more prone to certain affections than others. An attentive owner and a regular monitoring at the veterinary clinic will avoid a lot of worries.

Small breeds
Small dogs have the reputation of living longer than big dogs. Their more robust nature does not exclude particular health problems. Your veterinarian will therefore be more attentive to dental problems. Small dogs develop dental problems, linked to the accumulation of tartar. These problems may cause the loss of teeth, but they may also cause infections producing problems on the animal’s immune system.
Small breeds can also affected by eye and ear problems, indeed for certain breeds they are affected by respiratory problems. Their ear, nose and throat system being smaller, it is also more fragile.
Large breeds
Medium and large size dogs are particularly affected by osteoarthritis, a problem linked partly to the animal’s ageing. The Vet can detect the problem early on and offer a treatment to relieve the animal and slow down the evolution of the illness. Hip dysplasia is also a standard affection for this type of dog. The affection is detectable at a very young age, by your veterinarian.
By its independent nature, the cat does not easily unveil its health problems, contrary to dogs. Knowing well your animal allows to detect its small and large affections.

Domestic cats
Domestic cats are the most prepared to live outside. A complete vaccination is essential in order to avoid incidents owing to the exterior environment. It is important to make sure that your cat is sterilized. A anti-parasite treatment (fleas, worms, …) is also strongly recommended like a regular de-worming. Watch out for cuts, bites and other scratches which are common for exterior cats. You must take them seriously and show them to the Vet in order to avoid any risk of infection.
Pure bred cats
According to its breed, a pure bred cat is genetically predisposed to certain diseases. It is therefore natural that your animal will be watched over by your Vet on precise points and you will also be able to bring a particular attention to your cat and give him appropriate care.
The vaccination remains essential in order to avoid the cat’s main diseases. Sterilisation is common in order to avoid pure bred cats reproducing, outside of official breeding and this, in order to avoid pitfalls in the breed’s development. Long haired pure bred cats require regular brushing. The fur balls can provoke slight vomiting and many solutions exist to relieve the minor pain.